Module 1 Learning Objectives
Introduce myself and others to new people using targeted words and expressions
Describe my immediate environment using common nouns and articles
Count objects and provide telephone numbers by employing numbers 0-30
Collect/restate names and provide names, letter by letter, using the Spanish alphabet
Describe identities and tell time using the verb “ser” in context
Identify classroom items and objects
Locate and name Spanish speaking countries
Locate and name Spanish speaking countries
Identify English-Spanish cognates
Identify and explore the diversity and culture in Spanish-speaking world: USA and Canada
Explore the Alone and Together (Solos y Juntos) exhibit at the USC Fisher Museum of art and ask five questions or sentences
Describe how your identity compares to others' in Spanish-speaking countries, and also to those in your local and national community, by referencing information from infographics, videos, and articles
Course components for Module/Chapter 1
1) Informative "textbook" chapter 1 (grammar explanations and vocabulary lists)
2) Communication-forward chapter 1 activities for face-to-face & synchronous modes
4) ~50 rote exercises for chapter 1 grammar and vocabulary
6) Chapter 1 Modified Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA). This assessment principally leverages the interpretive mode, although the presentational mode is also included. Tasks are based on authentic materials. Linguistic and cultural competences are assessed.